The namesake of the U.S.S. Shangri-La was introduced in the 2280s as the prototype of the class cruiser that went on to bear its name.

Then in 2399, the eighth and most current starship to bear the name launched as a Constitution III-class exploration cruiser, NCC-2575-G.

She saw several years operating in deep space, scoring several first contacts with newly encountered civilizations in the process while likewise observing / studying several more that were pre-warp and thus direct contact restricted via the Prime Directive.

But then in 2401 she was recalled from deep space and ordered to return to Earth for what ended up becoming another Borg invasion and takeover of the ships of Starfleet itself during that year’s Frontier Day ceremony.

Shangri-La was one among the majority of ships taken over by the Borg, but also one that received only minor damage during the process.

Once repairs were made and the fleet coordination software / systems removed, the Connie III cruiser was released from drydock once more and thrown back out into the depths of space in 2402.

In 2407, the ship was recalled and crew reassigned during as the ship was temporarily removed from active service for overhaul and refit.

Shangri-La G was stripped down only to be built back up with the latest in technology restoring her status to being one of the most advanced exploration ships in the fleet.

A Starfleet officer of mixed Klingon/Human/Romulan heritage, Capt. Hauk Wolfseye, assumed command and oversaw the refit while assembling a new crew for the Connie III’s eventual return to space.

“Not only did the Shangri-La help to survive the Borg on Frontier Day, it also extended our map of known space with many successful first contacts made in the process,” said Wolfseye during an interview prior to ship’s re-launch.

Even before her official re-commissioning, the cruiser was pressed back into service to assist with defending the Alpha/Beta Quadrants from the all out Borg Assault of 2409.

Although this ship was officially re-assigned to Alliance Central Command’s and the Malstrom Expeditionary Force, operating within the Malstrom Expanse, she soon found herself mired down once more into a maelstrom of continuing conflict and war in the form of the Klingon-Federation War, conflicts with the Romulan fight for independence from the Tal Shiar, the Cardassian “True Way” movement and of course the Iconian War and all that followed.

Ship and crew look forward to returning to the Malstrom Expanse and resuming their core mission of exploration and discovery.